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Skills-based hiring made easy

Don’t leave hiring to chance. Deeper Signals’ scientific assessments will help you find the perfect hire.
Use Skills Selector to identify the ideal candidate for any position in under 10 minutes. Assess talent using our curated role library or select the soft skills that align with your competency framework — from the front desk to the C-suite.
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Trusted by the industry leaders
Hire the right candidate for every role
Create customized job-specific profiles with relevant soft skills.
Automatically prepare tailored assessments to evaluate candidates’ skills and competencies.
Compare candidates side-by-side with detailed insights into their fit for the role and team dynamics.
Integrate new hires with personalized development journeys and coaching from day one.
Make skills-based hiring easy, cost-effective, customizable, and scientific. Here's how Deeper Signals solves your hiring needs:
Streamline the hiring process
Traditional assessment platforms are hard to use and are hard to integrate with other systems.
Choose pre-selected soft skills assessments or completely customize an assessment for specific roles with a few clicks. Easily invite candidates, compare results, and make informed decisions. Even on mobile.
Pinpoint your perfect candidate
Traditional hiring methods make comparing candidates hard, overlook soft skills or lack rigor.
By focusing on a candidate's soft skills and potential, organizations can adopt skills-based hiring practices, and trust Deeper Signals data to make fair, data-driven decisions. View, sort and evaluate candidates using our platform.
Accelerate onboarding of new hires
Learning to work well together can take months for managers and new hires.
We provide personalized onboarding plans for each candidate. Our reports have development journeys built in. Managers can access team playbooks, compare their profiles with the new hire and ask our AI to create custom coaching tips.
Enhance the candidate experience
Lengthy, boring questionnaires deter people from completing applications.
Our quick and engaging assessment is complete in an average of seven minutes. Our reports are in plain language and designed for interaction. Candidates love them.

“Mapping our competency framework to Deeper Signals’ assessments and platform has enabled us to build our talent pipeline years into the future. It's easy to use, focused on our people, and is accelerating our 2030 strategy”

Mark Lewis
GM People & Culture, Connetics
Scientific insights, practical results
  • Accurately understand a candidate’s talent potential
  • Visualize and compare candidates side-by-side
  • Rank candidates by skill, role match or individual traits
  • Evaluate the soft skills needed to thrive within your organization
Curious to learn more?

Schedule a demo with Deeper Signals to discover how you can easily create job-specific profiles, quickly assess applicants, compare candidates, and speedily turn onboarding into development.

  • Fast, hassle-free candidate experience.
  • Pinpoint the perfect candidate quickly and fairly
  • Powered by technology and science that drives results
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  • Scalable interventions for growth
  • Measureable data, insights and outcomes for high performance
  • Proven scientific expertise that links results to outcomes
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